Watching Alan Shepard's flight from the White House

May 5, 1961

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On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American to go into space, in a mission that lasted just over 15 minutes. This short flight was a milestone for the US, who had been lagging behind Soviet Union in the space race after they launched the first satellite in 1957, and less than a month before Shepard’s flight, sent the first person into space.

President and Mrs. Kennedy watched Shepard’s flight on television from the White House, with Vice President Johnson, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and other aides. Three days later, JFK presented the astronaut with the NASA Distinguished Service Medal in a ceremony at the White House, where he also recognized the work done by so many in order for Shepard’s flight to be a success.

See more photos of President Kennedy watching Shepard's flight, and listen to his May 8th remarks.

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